Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I nominate Star for R.E.A.D. at Rapaura

Many of you know Star who often accompanies me to school where she waits patiently for me in the car. But what if she came into the library as a READ dog?
Check out the link by clicking on the title of this post. It explains more about the Reading Education Assistant Dogs (READ) who go into libraries to be read to.
The video quality is not great but the article underneath is very interesting. I suggest we all start recommending Star as Rapaura's new teacher aide to Mrs Williams!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Apologies :- (

Firstly: apologies! I have not posted for so long and I have neglected to tell you all about the great new books we have in the library. I will make amends. Soon!

Secondly: welcome to our new tenants in the library: Room 3, Room 4, Mrs Stark and the staff room. It is wonderful to have such a busy library and I have noticed that there is a lot of reading going on. Yay!

Thirdly: it would be great to hear about all the books you are reading so let me know either in person or send us a post in reply. :-)